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Do Hard Things

Safety is for suckers and comfortable is for cowards

We spend our whole life walking down the path of least resistance. Over time, the path edges start to grow curbs. On the path of least resistance, you feel safe and comfortable. The curbs eventually turn into small walls. From your path looking over the walls, you can see the world around you. Look at others, you wonder why they behave that way. You think, don’t they know how to live the right way? Eventually, the outside world starts to spill onto your path. There are weak spots in your walls that are crumbling under the pressure of the outside forces. You rush to build them back up. You must protect your path, after all, it’s yours. Some of us get so good at building the walls our path becomes a tunnel.

Safe is for suckers and comfortable is for cowards.

The light of the world is very bright and for some, building their tunnel is the only way they can bear each day. Doing hard things will make you stronger. By doing something hard each day, you start to build a tolerance to the light. By doing something hard each day you prove your strength to yourself. By doing something hard each day, you open yourself up to alternate possibilities. By doing something hard each day, the light of the world that made you feel scared and uncomfortable will instead feed your strength. Eventually, you begin to walk your path with no need for the walls. Eventually, you realize there is no path.

This is the moment the suckers and the cowards start to build their walls again. Maybe not as high this time. Maybe only knee high, but they are still in need of the safety and comfort the walls provide. Not you! You decided not to live behind walls and your path is wherever your foot falls. At first, this is a scary place to be. You’re scared and uncomfortable, yet excited and proud.

Doing hard things every day got you here. Hard things showed you who you are. You don’t know how yet, but you know you can, so you keep doing hard things. Learning and growing, little by little, day by day. Being rewarded and punished for your choices, while taking solace in knowing it was your choice. Regardless of whether you were rewarded or punished, it was your choice. You are not a sucker; you are not a coward. There is no path, you are not restrained, you do hard things.

Published inStrength